We surf the internet daily to solve our queries. Searching a keyword on google brings hundreds of websites.
With more than 1 billion websites on the world wide web, you will find excellent websites not getting the attention they deserve.
These websites include some informative parts of the content. Some sites are created for amusement only.
Quite a few websites online are extremely distinctive and beneficial. Now, I’ll show the top 10 amazing websites that you never knew existed.
Top 10 Amazing Websites That You Never Knew Existed
Now, I’ll show you these wonderful websites which can amaze you, and perhaps you did not know about these earlier. We’re going to dive right into it.
1) Fake Person Generator
Sometimes, you want a fake online identity to prevent spam or identity theft. This website will help to keep secure online.
This site will create a fake identity that helps defend you across the network with more information than others.
All you have to do is choose gender, age, state and city and this will automatically create an identity for you.
This website will create all the information you need to know, including basic, financial, employment, personal, online profile, and more.
Since many websites are designed to trap user data, this website will be very helpful in this regard and you will be safe.
I suggest you use this site for legal purposes only, otherwise, I am not responsible.
2) ShadyURL
If you’re playing harmless games with your friends, family, or co-workers, this site will shorten the URL to make it look suspicious.
Your friends will think that if they click on the link, they may get malware or some other problem like I said it is completely harmless.
Enter the URL of the website and click submit, this will create a suspicious URL for the site you entered. This URL is a completely working address.
Once you click on it, you will be redirected to the original site. You can play with your loved ones using this site.
3) Crossfade
It’s really interesting to create makeups for multiple videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud.
You should bookmark this website as it can be very useful in our daily life.
First, you need to add track and paste the video URL. Choose format (video, audio, etc.)
Play with settings and create as many great mashups of videos as you like. You can set the time, you can set the delay as well as the volume.
After that, you can click Save. This is a very useful site that you should try.
4) TasteDive
Taste Dive helps you discover new music, movies, TV shows, book authors, games, and podcasts. It does this by searching for the content you already like.
Easy to use, you can leave it in all categories or choose one of the listed categories.
Enter the name and press enter. This will bring similar results and you can select any result to play.
You can specifically choose any type you want to search for and this will help you improve your results.
5) The Restart Page
If you need some old memories in your life, this site lets you revive the experience of restarting your old computers.
There are many operating systems listed, you can click on any window and you will see that it will restart with the same sound.
Many users like old Windows log out and restart sound, so, this website will bring back your memories.
Also, let me know what OS you’re using right now. You can write your answer in the comments section.
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6) What Happened In My Birth Year?
This website is the most interesting in this list. What happened in the year of my birth takes a look at your past and looks at what happened in the year of your birth.
All you have to do now is type your year of birth and it will start hunting for the same event that happened that year.
You can share this website with others for informational purposes and tell them what happened when they came into this world.
You can share your experience in the comments as well.
7) TuneFind
With this amazing website, you can easily find the music of any TV shows, movies, dramas, etc.
Tune Find is the quickest way to find the background music for any tv show and any season. You can go in-depth on this website.
If you are looking for a similar website on the web, I hope you find this website useful.
You just need to type the name and it will show you the relevant results. You can choose your desired option and you’ll see the songs listed with the option to play on amazon music, apple music, Spotify, and YouTube.
Also Read: 15 Best YouTube Video Downloader Free in 2020
8) The Office Stare Machine
If you’re a true fan of the office, this eighth website is for you. The office stair machine shows you every moment in nine seasons in which the character stares at the camera based on the emotions you enter.
You have to enter the emotion e.g. happy, and click on Go.
This is website is only for entertainment purposes. If you’re tired of working then, try this website.
9) WikiHow
It is one of the best information based websites on the internet. Here you will find answers on how to do anything you can think of.
Just type your queries into the search box and click enter. Now you will see a list of tutorials on this article that you would like to check out and maybe some of you don’t.
I have also used this amazing website to increase my knowledge. You can find almost any title here.
If you like this website, you should bookmark it so that you can access this website quickly.
10) Soft Murmur
Soft Murmur is for those of you that can’t stand complete silence when reading or working. It lets you create a mix of ambient background noises quickly and easily.
Just move the sliders to where you want them, you’ll see that there are several to choose from and when you’re done click on play.
This is also an amazing website. You can create sound with a number of combinations you want.
Another site to check out if you want something with no fuss is the rainy mood the only slider is for the volume. Just hit on Play.
Final Words
These are just some of the amazing web sites you should know about. Let us know in the comments section if you are unfamiliar with these sites.
So, the above sites are the top 10 amazing websites that you never knew existed.
If you find this article helpful, share it with your loved ones to spread love. Also, you can read my other blog posts to increase your knowledge.